Case Studies

Media Customer

  • Industry: Media
  • Size: Enterprise
  • Location: Global

Key Metrics

  • 30 different files including text, CSV, Excel and ServiceNow and vSphere extracts.
  • 90 Days to Complete
  • No Discovery Agents
  • Multiple Business Case Scenarios
  • Migration Readiness Assessment Action Plan
  • 38,928 Servers
  • 1550 Applications


  • Optimise cost of infrastructure service provision.
  • Improve Infrastructure Availability and Business Continuity.
  • Consolidation options for technology products, including OS, Database and integration software.
  • Exit and close old data centre facilities.
  • Create a foundation for transformation projects, including adopting cloud-native technologies.
    Identify quick-win projects.
    Establish a baseline of cloud readiness across the different business units.


  • Rapid discovery and assessment and cloud strategy development.
  • Migration strategy and roadmap underpinned by applications and infrastructure data.
  • Rapid mapping of workloads to one of the 6R transformation methods.
  • Migration Readiness Assessment for 7 different business units covering the following areas, Governance, People, Operations, Security and Platform.
  • Quickly identifying quick wins enables the first wave of migrations to happen faster, providing valuable learnings to help shape the remaining migration waves.
  • Creation of an entire business case including operations, infrastructure and facilities costs compared to future cloud costs.


  • Rapid discovery and assessment and cloud strategy development enabling first migrations in under 90 days.
  • Development of business case and migration strategy across four scenarios, including mass migration, VMWARE on AWS, modernisation and cloud-native application services adoption.
  • Multi-year modernisation plan and associated cost model broken down into individual modernisation treatments (6Rs).
  • Identification of Fast Track cloud migration opportunities to move application services to hosted PaaS platform.
  • An initial PoC was carried out on AWS to demonstrate capability.
  • Migration Readiness Assessment maturity model, action plans for implementing cloud centre of excellence, including target operating model.

Case Study

Global Media Company

  • Industry: Media
  • Size: Enterprise
  • Location: UK

Key Metrics

  • 13 different files, including text, csv, excel.
  • 40 Days to Complete
  • No Discovery Agents
  • Multiple Business Case Scenarios
  • Migration Readiness Assessment & Operational Model Design
  • 1789 Servers
  • 280 Applications
  • 303 Database Instances


  • Exit the data centre by December 2021 to avoid the cost of a three-year data centre extension.
  • Avoid capital expenditure to replace ageing server and storage infrastructure.
  • Avoid increasing maintenance costs for ageing hardware and software.
  • Avoid costs for over provisioning infrastructure by rightsizing the infrastructure footprint on AWS and scaling as required.
  • Modernisation of the underlying technical infrastructure supporting the workloads.
  • Upgrades to the versions of the COTS products used will bring additional business value from enhanced features and functionality.


  • Rapid discovery and assessment and cloud strategy development. 
  • Migration strategy and roadmap underpinned by applications and infrastructure data.
  • Rapid mapping of workloads to one of the six R transformation methods.
  • Fast identification of quick wins enabling the first wave of migrations to happen faster providing valuable learnings to help shape the remaining migration waves. 
  • Risk model development across Business case, Security, Operating Model and Migration.


  • Rapid discovery and assessment and cloud strategy development enabling first migrations in under 45 days.
  • Application Compatibility Analysis for commercial off the shelf products for the AWS target cloud. 
  • Creation of move groups based upon application and infrastructure data.
  • Development of business case, migration strategy and move groups.
  • Cloud adoption flight plan with resource model.