Case Studies

UK Media

  • Industry: Media
  • Size: Enterprise

Key Metrics

  • Ten different files, including text, CSV, and Excel.
  • 40 Days to Complete
  • No Discovery Agents
  • Multiple Business Case Scenarios
  • Migration Readiness Assessment & Operational Model Design
  • 530 Servers
  • 90 Applications
  • 374 Database Instances


  • Avoid capital expenditure to replace the ageing server and storage infrastructure.
  • Avoid costs for over-provisioning infrastructure by rightsizing the infrastructure footprint on AWS and scaling as required.
  • Development of a replacement strategy for the ageing compute and storage platforms.
  • Eliminate responsibility for the data centre fabric.
  • Building a services platform that enables the business to transform faster and increase adoption of a cloud-first approach to the delivery of IT services.
  • The Cloud adoption programme is a key component of future-proofing the business.


  • Rapid discovery and assessment and cloud strategy development.
  • Rapid mapping of workloads to one of the six R transformation methods.
  • Migration Readiness Assessment covers the following areas: Governance, People, Operations, Security and Platform.
  • Fast identification of quick wins enables the first wave of migrations to happen faster providing valuable learnings to help shape the remaining migration waves.
  • Development of short-, medium- and long-term roadmap.


  • Rapid discovery and assessment and cloud strategy development enabling first migrations in under 45 days.
  • Development of business case, migration strategy and move groups.
  • Adoption of improved security access model.
  • Identification and execution of mode-2 proof of concepts in parallel to mode-1 re-hosts.
  • Development of a 30-day task list to get ready for cloud adoption.
  • Creation of VPC architecture and landing zone blueprint.
  • Cloud adoption flight plan with resource model.