Case Studies

UK Public Sector

  • Industry: Government
  • Location: UK

Key Metrics

  • Cloud Adoption Plan in line with objectives
  • Migration to cloud
  • Cost Optimisation
  • 5 days to complete
  • Azure migrate data source
  • 180 servers
  • No application data


Modernise and migrate the current on-prem estate of 180 servers to Azure cloud, whilst achieving cost optimisation and using cloud services as a preference.

Specific objectives:

  • Cloud First
  • Cost Optimisation


  • The primary migration method is Azure Migrate for re-host primarily to be used for Windows & Linux servers.
  • The remainder are targeted for re-factor.
  • Junkshon recommend a mass migration and a subsequent transformation / optimisation programme once complete.
  • Ensure Azure recommendations achieve cost saving where possible


  • 169 servers to rehost
  • 11 servers to re-platform
  • No application-specific treatments
  • 5 month migration plan (2 months enablement, 3 months execution)
  • No AS-IS costs to compare, but with a review of the assessment with the customer, we used our benchmark cost data to provide a directional business case.

Case Study

UK Government Department

  • Industry: Public Sector
  • Size: Enterprise
  • Location: UK

Key Metrics

  • 4 different files, including CMDB extract and AIX cluster workload exports.
  • 15 Days to Complete
  • No Discovery Agents
  • Multiple Business Case Scenarios
  • 3065 Servers
  • 744 Applications


The Customer had a strategic “Cloud First” objective and a goal to reduce capital expenditure and footprint in its on-premise hosting (OPH) data centres.

The key objectives:

  • Feasibility of mass migration of servers to Azure
  • Data Centre consolidation.
  • Defining landing zone technology, for example, IaaS on Azure vs. Azure Stack
  • Remediation options for applications that are running on end-of-service life infrastructure. 


  • Data ingestion of customer assets , including application and infrastructure data. 
  • Application and infrastructure estate analysis.
  • High-level business case based upon technical debt priorities, including OS, hardware and applications.
  • Migration treatment analysis based upon the 6Rs definitions.


  • Rapid discovery, assessment, and cloud strategy development, enabling first migrations in under 20 days.
  • Migration ASIS and TOBE architectural model, including technology, treatments and landing zone identification.
  • Server wave grouping and mapping to applications.
  • Migration risk analysis and mitigation report.
  • Multiple migration scenarios, including business cases covering migration and cloud costs, for the following technical domains:
  • Windows 2003 upgrade 
  • RedHat rehosting 
  • AIX migration to the cloud, including web/services and java applications.